San Carlos 2009 “State of the City” Address: March 18, 2009.
February 10, 2009
It has become tradition each year for the Mayor of San Carlos to deliver a “State of the City” presentation to the community. Since the job of Mayor of San Carlos is rotated every November to a different member of the City Council, this speech has become the primary platform for the “new” mayor to discuss the status and the direction of City for the coming year. Between the budget crisis, the proposed School Parcel Tax, and the development plans for downtown San Carlos, there should be no shortage of topics to discuss!
The date and location for this year's presentation has just been announced by the City of San Carlos. This is usually a very well-attended presentation, so if you're interested in attending be sure to reserve your spot soon. Here's the announcement from the City of San Carlos Website:
2009 State of The City Address
Each year, the Mayor of San Carlos delivers the State of the City address.
The event, sponsored by the San Carlos Chamber of Commerce, is designed to give the Mayor a chance to talk to the community about his vision for San Carlos in the coming year.
2009 State of the City Address
Presented by Bob Grassilli, Mayor of San Carlos
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. – Breakfast Program
Conference Room B, San Carlos Library, 610 Elm Street, San Carlos
Cost: $20 per person, a Continental Breakfast Will Be Served
RSVP online by clicking or call (650) 593-1068 by March 13, 2009
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