Website Spotlight:

March 13, 2009

Who ever said that real estate needs to be dry and dull?  Actually, if you're looking for an industry to poke a little fun at, real estate is what you'd probably refer to as a “target-rich environment.”  That's where comes in.   What is Burbed?   Well, if there's a real estate listing out there that:

  1. Is massively over-priced,
  2. Has incredibly dopey MLS pictures,
  3. Is located right next to a freeway or airport, or
  4. Any or all of the above…. will find its way onto this site sooner or later.    This recent post about a home in Fremont had me doubled over in laughter.  This site is quite popular with homeowners and real estate agents alike (although most of the latter group will never admit it.)   But at the same time we're reading it and getting a good chuckle out of the comments and anecdotes, we're also holding our collective breath that our listings don't make it onto this site!

So check out Burbed.  It will give you a good laugh in the middle of a very un-funny recession….

(”Spotlight on Cool Websites” is an occasional series in which I’ll highlight a particular website that I think you’ll find interesting.  Links to these websites can be found under the “Great San Carlos Websites” link at the top of the site.  Got a great website that you’d like to share?  Send me an email with the details…)


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