Blog Poll Results: San Carlos Measure B…

May 5, 2009

‘Twas the Eve of the Measure B Election…

As many anxiously await the results of tomorrow's San Carlos Measure B election, I thought I'd publish the final results of the poll that ran on this site for the past month regarding your thoughts on this measure:

How will you vote on San Carlos Measure B, the $78 School Parcel Tax?

  • Yes. I'll vote for it. (80.0%, 133 Votes)
  • No. I'll vote against it. (19.0%, 32 Votes)
  • I don't know (or don't care!) (1.0%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 167

Will Measure B Pass?

This poll received far and away more votes than any other poll that I have run on this site, but it's still a small fraction of the total votes that will be received.  It will be very interesting to see what correlation this poll had with the final results of the election once they're finally published.

But if this poll has any validity …

…Measure B will comfortably achieve the required 66% approval to pass.


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  1. Anomyous on May 5, 2009 at 4:07 am

    Although the releasing of the results tomorrow are a fairly good indicator of whether or not the measure will pass or fail they are not final and will not be confirmed until the Chief Elections Officer, Warren Slocum, signs off on the results 28 days after the election. I think the media presents these results as final and thus some people assume that when they turn they’re mail ballot in on election day it does not get counted. In regards to the measure, I think it will be closer than expected will get the two thirds it needs. How can it not, when the Measure B campaign spent & raised so much money?

  2. Torino Dr on May 5, 2009 at 4:07 am

    Although the releasing of the results tomorrow are a fairly good indicator of whether or not the measure will pass or fail they are not final and will not be confirmed until the Chief Elections Officer, Warren Slocum, signs off on the results 28 days after the election. I think the media presents these results as final and thus some people assume that when they turn they’re mail ballot in on election day it does not get counted. In regards to the measure, I think it will be closer than expected will get the two thirds it needs. How can it not, when the Measure B campaign spent & raised so much money?

  3. adam alberti on May 5, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    As a Co-Chair of the Measure B committee, I pray that your results hold true.

    While it is never easy to predict an outcome in an election with a 2/3rds requirement, B supporters have reason for optimism tonight. The numbers we have been tracking all seem to be where we expected and want them.

    The effort this community put forward to pass this measure was remarkable. Countless hours making phone calls, walking precincts and contributing money to the cause. The mobilization focused on protecting our schools has been nothing short of inspiring.

    Regardless of the turnout, the effort put forward by so many should be acknowledged and appreciated.

    Now if we could only fast forward the day a bit and get some actual results–many of us could stop drinking pepto by the gallon.

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