3 Ways to Keep an Eye on Crime in San Carlos…

May 13, 2009

If you're interested in keeping up on the crime activity in San Carlos, or in your own neighborhood, here are three easy ways to stay informed and to get involved in helping curb crime.

#1:  San Carlos Police Daily Activity Log

The SCPD publishes their activity log every day — this log is a quick description of each significant incident that occurred on that day, the location of the incident, and the ultimate  resolution of the incident.   There are two ways to get this information — email subscription, or RSS Feed.  Here's where to go for each:

Click here register for email updates:  Daily Activity Log via Email

Click here to subscribe to the feed:  What's new in San Carlos.  (Note that this feed will also include headlines about other things that are happening in San Carlos — not necessarly a bad thing to know!)

#2:   Crime Reports Map

The San Carlos Police Department recently teamed up with CrimeReports to offer crime mapping for San Carlos.   This is a pretty flexible map that allows you to sort which type of crimes you want to see, and you can view past history of any type of crime as well.  To see the map, click here:  San Carlos Crime Map.

#3:  Neighborhood Watch Assistance

A little while back, I wrote a post that posed the question about organizing Neighborhood Watch teams in San Carlos.  The two key element required to start a Neighborhood Watch are a) knowing what to do, and b) cooperation with the SCPD.     The San Carlos Police just published a page on their site that gets you both of these.  There are helpful tips on how to start a watch in your neighborhood, and there's now a contact assigned to help answer questions about the program.   It's all here:  San Carlos Neighborhood Watch.


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