Is San Carlos moving forward with all-weather turf?

November 23, 2009

That seems to be the case, according to this morning's article in the Daily Journal.   You may recall that the City of San Carlos, after many years of delays and consultants reports, decided to re-surface the playing field at Lower Highlands Park with a synthetic, all-weather playing field in hopes of maximizing the use of their limited field space, while minimizing the cost of maintaining the field over time.

The start of the transformation of lower Highlands was delayed earlier this year by a lawsuit that was filed earlier this year by a group known as Save San Carlos Parks, which opposes the proposed change of this park.

It's On the Agenda…

But as this article correctly states, the City appears to be ready to move forward with the project.  The discussion is definitely on the Council's agenda for tonight's meeting.   If the past meetings where this volatile topic was discussed is any indication, tonight's meeting should be another lively (and late) one.   As always, here's the time/location of the meeting:

City Council/Redevelopment Agency

November 23, 2009

City Council Chambers

600 Elm Street

7:00 PM

Stay tuned!


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