San Carlos Makes PG&E’s “Top 100” List of High-Risk Gas Pipelines.

September 21, 2010

List Released.

As promised, PG&E today release the “Top 100” list of natural gas transition pipelines that they deem to be at the highest risk, whether it's due to proximity of construction areas, possible corrosion or wear, or because of the possibility of earth movement.  According to the report, the transmission line that runs through San Carlos made this list, although there was not a specific condition that was identified for its inclusion.

The area of pipeline in question is a 105 foot segment in the vicinity of Brittan Avenue and El Camino Real.   According to the report, here is a very vague description of why it made the list:

“PG&E is conducting an engineering review of the design materials of 105 feet of pipe near Brittan Ave and El Camino Real in San Carlos. Based on this review, PG&E will determine whether any repair or replacement action is warranted.”

Hmmm.  Sounds pretty vague.

What Kind of Pipeline is in San Carlos?

As far as the type and nature of the pipeline that runs parallel to Brittan Avenue in San Carlos, one of the residents of White Oaks contacted PG&E today, and this is what they were told:

It is a “standard” 20″ pipeline (the San Bruno line was a 30″ line).  This is a distribution line.  These range from 12″ to 20″ and is what our home services tap off of.  The San Bruno line was a transmission line, hence much larger and under more pressure. The one near us was built in 2 sections in 1947 and 1955.

The conference that was scheduled to take place between PG&E and Mayor Randy Royce was delayed until tomorrow to enable PG&E to compile the list and release it to the public today.  Perhaps after tomorrow's meeting more details will be forthcoming.   If you're interested in seeing the top 100 list, click here.

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  1. Pat B on September 21, 2010 at 2:36 am

    At least ours isn’t near any residential neighborhoods, and it’s very short. I’d like to know what the one on Old County is. Does the fact that it’s the same color line on the map mean it’s also 20″?

    Whats that gray line that sqiggles up from 101 then goes around our neighborhood? Creek?

  2. Bill on September 21, 2010 at 3:38 pm

    Hey Chuck, is this something a homeowner living near one of these high-risk pipelines would be obligated to disclose as part of a real-estate transaction? I can’t imagine how devastating it would be to property values around these risky lines….

  3. Chuck Gillooley on September 21, 2010 at 3:57 pm


    That’s a very good question, and one that will be debated quite a bit in the real estate circles. I don’t think it’s even an issue here, though. First of all, as a homeowner you’re only supposed to disclose what you know as a material fact, and that fact has to be relevant to value of the home. In this situation, the only “fact” we know is that PG&E is inspecting 105 feet of their line that’s close to El Camino and Brittan. Their description is so vague in the report, that it’s impossible to tell what risk, if any, there is with this pipe. On top of that, the typical homeowner is not qualified to a) understand what kind of gas pipeline is in the neighborhood nor b) make a statement about the risks or otherwise. So it’s really a gray area right now.

    As part of the sales process, homeowners are obligated to provide the seller with a Natural Hazards Disclosure Statement (NHDS). These reports are generally ordered through third-party companies like JCP or Disclosure Source. In these reports, they call out every conceivable potential “hazard” that is close to the home in question — i.e. submerged fuel tanks, earthquake faults, liquefaction.. you name it. I have to believe in light of recent events that the whole question of the location of gas transmission lines will someday be addressed in these reports.

    But who knows. It’s a very good question.

  4. Link: PG&E Top 100 Pipelines At Risk « Faith in Truth/Förtröstan I Sanningen on September 21, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    […] White Oaks Blog: San Carlos Makes PG&E’s “Top 100 List of High-Risk Gas Pipelines&#8… Leave a […]

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