Renovation in the Works for Burton Park?

December 6, 2010

Permanent Stage, Bocce Ball Court.

According to Michelle Durand's column this morning in the Daily Journal, another upgrade to Burton Park in San Carlos could be in the works.  Plans for the construction of a permanent stage, a bocce ball court, and a much-needed upgrade to the basketball courts are in the preliminary stages of discussion.  The City Council has already given the green light to the concept — now all that's needed is the money (isn't that the case with everything in life?)

The San Carlos Park and Recreation Foundation quarterbacked the fundraising effort for the first wave of upgrades to Burton, which added a whole new playground structure and water park.   Look for them to play the lead role again in raising the nearly $500,000 (or more) that will be needed to make this vision a reality.    I'm sure that our local San Carlos businesses will selflessly chip in again, as they have always done in the past.

For more information, check out Michelle's article in the DJ:  Burton Park Ready For Big Makeover.

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  1. Pat B ` on December 7, 2010 at 1:28 am

    This was presented at the last council meeting. You should be able to watch it on your computer.

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