San Carlos School District in the News.

January 28, 2011

Board Votes to Proceed With Tax Measure.

As was widely expected, the San Carlos School Board voted in their meeting last night to push forward with a new tax measure that will extend the approximately $111 per parcel tax that San Carlos homeowners are currently paying to support the San Carlos School District.   This yet-to-be-named measure will essentially extend the term of Measure D, which is set to expire this year, or another six years.  This equates to about $1M per year in badly needed funds for the School District, according to the Board.   Look for updates next week as more details on the ballot measure are made public.   The actual mail-only election will be in early May.

SCSD Preschool: Registration for 2011-12 Year.

When Dr. Craig Baker took the helm of the San Carlos School District, one of the first fundamental changes he made was to expand the role of the District into new, revenue-generating areas.    The most notable of these was the creation of the San Carlos School District Preschool, which is now in its inaugural year.  By all accounts,  the preschool, which is based out of Heather Elementary School, has been a complete success.

Registration for the 2011-2012 school year is rapidly approaching.  Between February 1-15, the school will be accepting applications for the next school year.  One key difference in how the school will be run this coming fall is that the District will only enrolling full-time students in the pre-school, as opposed to offering part-time enrollment.   If you're interested in learning more about the San Carlos Preschool, or if you need an enrollment form, just click on the San Carlos Preschool Page, and everything you'll need is right there.

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