The San Carlos Real Estate Week in Review: 3-12-11.

March 13, 2011


It was another good showing for new issues this week, with 8 new listings to choose from.    And buyers seem to be responding positively, as new open houses are reporting huge turnouts.    8 homes went into contract, thus keeping the overall inventory almost unchanged from the prior week.  And multiple offers are becoming more commonplace as more buyers are competing in this inventory-constrained environment.

Open House?

If you're looking at open houses this weekend in San Carlos here's the only link you'll need: The San Carlos Open House Page. With one click, you'll get a “live” list of all the homes and condos that will be open this weekend in San Carlos! It's updated continuously from the MLS, so bookmark this link and you'll never have to wander around town looking for open houses again.

Here's a quick snapshot of the inventory of San Carlos single family homes as of 3-12-2011:

Inventory 3-12-11 Prior Week
Active Listings 54 53 (+2%)
Average DOM of Active Listings 81 81
Homes in Contract 36 32 (+13%)
Ratio Active/Pending 1.5 : 1 1.7 : 1

Single-Family Homes Sold in San Carlos:

Below is a list of the single-family homes that sold this past week in San Carlos. Click on the address of each to see the complete details.

Address Sold Price Orig. List Difference DOM
1541 Morse Avenue $1,525,000 $1,490,000 +$35,000 (+2%) 0
1933 Eaton Avenue $1,125,000 $1,150,000 -$25,000 (-2%) 84
1516 Saint Francis Way
$950,000 $949,000 +$1,000 (+0.1%) 9
125 Belvedere Avenue
$925,000 $979,000 -$54,000 (-6%) 78

— Here are some key statistics on the sales that closed this week:

Closed Sales Stats 3-12-11 Prior Week
# Closed Sales 4 8
# Sales Below List (% total) 2 (50%) 6 (75%)
SP/Orig List % 99% 96%
Average DOM of Closed Sales 43 49


Single-Family Homes Pending Sale in San Carlos:

The following homes went “Pending Sale” this week. Click on the address of each for additional info:

Address DOM (days) List Price
113 Plymouth Avenue
11 $1,049,000
1340 Alameda de las Pulgas
135 $699,000
2641 Thornhill Drive 136 $829,000
887 Heather Drive
11 $979,000
28 Exeter Avenue 14 $849,000
1362 Chestnut Street
9 $929,000
90 Kenton Avenue
38 $749,000
50 Arundel Road
139 $899,000


New Single-Family Home Listings in San Carlos:

Below are the new listings that hit the market this past week in San Carlos. Simply click on the address of each home to get the complete details.

Address List Price BR/BA Sq Ft (home/lot) Listed By
249 Highland Avenue
$1,689,000 3BR/3BA 3,100/6,344 Marie Delucchi, Today Sothebys
55 Hartford Avenue
$1,278,888 3BR/3BA 2,480/17,000 Lorelei Keim, Coldwell Banker
1029 Elm Street
$1,238,888 3BR/2BA 1,986/6,000 Lorelei Keim, Coldwell Banker
1500 Eaton Avenue $1,189,000 4BR/3BA 2,310/6,780 Justine Ford, Today Sothebys
115 De Anza Avenue $919,000 3BR/2BA 1,240/5,700 Val Vandervort, Coldwell Banker
948 Rosewood Avenue
$929,000 2BR/2BA 1,970/6,000 Bob Bredel, Today Sothebys
15 Del Rey Court
$864,950 3BR/2BA 1,700/6,000 Maxine Dumas, Dumas & Company
416 Winding Way $650,000 3BR/2BA 1,400/5,400 Sherry Bakhtiari, Investment Realty Center



(The “San Carlos Week in Review” series is a summary of new listings and home sales in San Carlos for the prior week.)


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  1. Michael on March 14, 2011 at 3:57 am

    I find that Zillow, at least in the bay area, has values so flawed that they make no sense. Whatever their algorithmic system is, they aren’t even close.

    Perfect example, 1541 Morse closes at $1,525.000 and is valued at $1,068,500. I realize the margin of error, but how could it be so off? Even at 0 days on the market, the zillow value should be closer to $1.4, shouldn’t it?

  2. Chuck Gillooley on March 16, 2011 at 1:14 pm


    I have to agree with your assessment on Zillow. I normally don’t use the site, but I spent a few minutes on it yesterday. First thing I noticed is that a whole bunch of homes that are supposedly “for sale” aren’t at all. They had either sold a long time ago, or simply weren’t on the market. And Zillow allows users to change specs on the house and to input their own valuations.

    On top of all that, home values in San Carlos vary widely from neighborhood to neighborhood, even by street. A house on Morse is going to cost more than if it were on a different street. There’s no way Zillow (or any other automated tool) can make that differentiation.

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