May is “SCEF Month” at Bianchini’s Market in San Carlos.

May 3, 2011

Spare Change for Big Change.

The great folks at Bianchini's Market in San Carlos have declared that the month of May will be “SCEF Month” at their popular neighborhood market.   During the month of May, you'll find San Carlos Educational Foundation collection jars located throughout the store.   Just a little spare change here and there adds up to a whole bunch of goodness for San Carlos Schools, especially with all of the anticipated cuts in the State of California budget.   All donations in the jars go directly to SCEF.    But that's not all they're doing in May…

May 11 =  5% Day.

Circle Wednesday, May 11 on your calendar.  On that day, Bianchini's will donate 5% of their total sales for that day to the San Carlos Educational Foundation!  That is a fantastic gesture on their behalf, and is just one of many ways that Bianchini's has given back to the community in the two short years that they've been part of the San Carlos downtown.  (By the way, Happy 2nd Anniversary to Bianchini's in San Carlos.)

So make May 11th your big grocery shopping day, and shop local at Bianchini's.   You'll be supporting your local neighborhood market AND your local schools at the same time!

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