San Carlos Ponders Moving City Hall.
October 31, 2011
Reconfigure Resources.
Could the City of San Carlos be moving its home base? If City Council member Matt Grocott had his way, the City would be moving its digs to another location in the city, perhaps on the east side, to a location that better fits the city government's changing needs. According to Michelle Durand's article in this morning's Journal, Councilman Grocott is re-igniting a topic he first tabled several years ago when he took his rotation as Mayor.
With the make-up of San Carlos government changing so drastically over the past 24 months, the City's needs for facilities has also changed. The outsourcing of the police and fire departments, combined with reduction of headcount in the city government has left the City Hall building severely under-utilized, according to the article. Combine that with the chronic shortage of parking at the City's main building, and it's apparent that while the location of the City Hall is still ideal, the amenities it provides aren't.
One of the catalysts behind the rebirth of this topic is the shortage of space within the San Carlos School District. As the District grapples with ideas to expand the number of classrooms to accommodate its surging enrollment, there are those within City Hall who see this as a potential win for both parties.
What Do You Think?
Obviously, this discussion is just that — a discussion. And there are many things that would need to happen before such a discussion could seriously gain any traction (like who is going to pay for it?) But it's an interesting idea, and one that should be explored further. The “new” model of government we have in San Carlos doesn't need the cavernous facilities of its predecessor.
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