Community Meetings Set for San Carlos Transit Village.
May 22, 2013

Unveiling Updated Plans.
Legacy Partners Residential, developer of the San Carlos Transit Village project, will be unveiling its new plans for the proposed transit-oriented development at two community meetings to be held on Thursday, May 30, 2013 and Wednesday, June 12, 2013 in the San Carlos Library Conference Room A (second floor) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Cake and coffee will be served.
The proposed project has been the subject of many public meetings before the Planning Commission and City Council over the past two years. The Planning Commission and City Council have approved the Final Environmental Impact Report for the project in setting the stage for consideration of an application for development and design review. The new plans will be the subject of hearings before the Commission and City Council starting this summer.
“We encourage the residents in San Carlos to attend these two community meetings as we want to listen to what people have to say in going forward with the formal public process,” said Jeff Byrd, partner with Legacy. “While we have been fully engaged in a mediation process with representatives of the Greater East San Carlos (GESC) organization and will be making a presentation to their Association on May 22, 2013, we want to make sure that folks throughout the community have an opportunity to view the architectural elevations and site plan now under consideration by the City’s Planning Department.” Ten mediation sessions were facilitated by a professional mediator retained by the City and involved representatives from Legacy, GESC, Samtrans and the City starting in September 2012.
The site of the proposed Transit Village project would include 280 apartments as well as office and retail uses surrounding the historic train depot. “There has been a vision for the railroad corridor for many years which crystallized in 2004 when SamTrans in concert with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board and County Transportation Authority issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications to develop a high quality, mixed use, multi-family development on this undeveloped land north and south of the train station.” Legacy Partners was ultimately selected through this competitive process and first submitted plans to the City in May of 2007. “We have spent the last eight years in trying to create the best project possible for this site, one that will fit within the fabric of the community.” “We are proud to have this opportunity to become part of San Carlos which is truly the City of Good Living.”
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