San Carlos Holly Street – 101 Interchange Project Update.
September 11, 2013
September 17.
As you are probably aware, plans have been underway to revamp the Highway 101 interchange at Holly Street. The older-style cloverleaf interchange that has been in place at Holly Street has shown its flaws in recent years as the traffic volume has increased there — and it only looks to get worse when the new PAMF hospital opens. It gets a little hairy trying to merge onto 101 in the same lane that other are exiting. This outdated design has been replaced at interchanges all along 101 in recent years with more modern and efficient solutions, and it appears Holly Street is on tap for a similar make-over.
An update to the Holly St US 101 Interchange Project will be presented for the first time to the public since finalizing the Project Study Report with Caltrans. The presentation will be during the Traffic and Circulation Commission meeting on Tuesday September 17, 2013 @ 7pm in the City Hall Council Chamber (600 Elm St). The presentation will include progress on the environmental and traffic studies to date, pedestrian over crossing project alternatives, and a discussion on the Holly St corridor west of the interchange. Please plan on attending for an update on this exciting project.
Here's a map of the area in question:
Improvements to the Holly Street Interchange with US 101 are required in order to accommodate increased traffic generated by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation's San Carlos Center (PAMF) and other anticipated land development. The PAMF traffic report identified a need for interchange improvements to handle traffic growth. The scope of the project includes reconfiguring the interchange to accommodate increased traffic as well as provide complete streets improvements to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist access through the interchange. Currently the project is currently working through the Caltrans Project Approval/Environmental Document Phase.
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