The San Carlos Real Estate Week in Review: 5-17-15.

May 18, 2015

The statistics in the San Carlos real estate market are eerily similar this week to where they were last week at this time. The number of new listings was exactly offset by the number of homes that went into contract, thus keeping the number of homes for sale in the city unchanged at 14, which is still an incredibly low number for what is generally the peak period in the Spring real estate market.

Prices on closed home sales remained strong and incredibly resilient, with the average home sale in San Carlos last week hitting a whopping $1.7M. It wasn't too many years ago that I was commenting on this site about the significance of breaking the magic $1M barrier. Now, it seems like only a matter of time before the average price hits $2M in the City of Good Living.

Here are the details from last week:

By the Numbers.

Below is a high-level view of the market performance for single-family residences in San Carlos. This data is for the week ending 5-17-2015:

San Carlos Housing Data 5-17-15 Prior Week
Closed Sales for the Week: 7 2
Average Sold Price: $1,723,286 $1,757,500
Average $/Sq Foot (Sold) $900 $1,315
Average Sold as Percentage Of List Price: 113% 125%
Average DOM of Closed Sales 16 10
No. of Homes Pending Sale: 26 27
No. of New Listings: 6 9
Total # of Active Listings: 14 14
Average Price of Active Listings: $1,968,357 $1,661,639
Average DOM of Active Listings: 12 9
Average $/Sq Foot (List) $750 $717
Active-Pending Ratio: 0.54 : 1 0.52 : 1

The San Carlos Open House Page.

If you're looking at open houses this weekend in San Carlos, check out the San Carlos Open House List. With one click on the Open House sign below, you'll get a “live” list of all the homes and condos that will be open this weekend in San Carlos! It's updated continuously from the MLS, so bookmark this link and you'll never have to wander around town looking for open houses again.


Single-Family Homes Sold in San Carlos:

Below is a list of the single-family home contracts that closed escrow this past week in San Carlos. Click on the address of each to see the complete details.

Address Sold Price Orig. List Difference Days on Market
202 Timothy Drive $2,250,000 $1,798,000 +$452,000 (+25.1%) 10
75 Porto Marino Way $2,005,000 $1,980,000 +$25,000 (+1.3%) 16
84 Hilltop Drive $1,701,000 $1,375,000 +$326,000 (+23.7%) 10
144 Edgehill Drive $1,615,000 $1,850,000 -$235,000 (-12.7%) 36
147 Wildwood Avenue $1,557,000 $1,350,000 +$207,000 (+15.3%) 14
3190 La Mesa Drive $1,525,000 $1,499,000 +$26,000 (+1.7%) 17
1703 Belmont Avenue $1,410,000 $1,050,000 +$360,000 (+34.3%) 10

Note: The sold data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author was involved in either side of the transaction.


San Carlos Homes Pending Sale for the Week:

The following homes went into contract his week. Click on the address of each home to see more details and photos:

Address DOM (days) List Price
140 Palm Avenue 8 $968,950
12 Cranfield Avenue 9 $949,000
20 Barbara Lane 9 $1,298,000
1920 Eucalyptus Avenue 7 $1,300,000
173 Fairmont Avenue 16 $1,549,000
227 Lemoore Drive 8 $1,195,000

Note: The pending data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author was involved in either side of the transaction. _______________________________________________________________________________________

New Single-Family Home Listings in San Carlos:

Below are the new listings that hit the market this past week in San Carlos. Click on the address of each home to see more details and photos.

Address List Price BR/BA Sq Ft (home/lot) Listed By
868 Hemlock Street $2,650,000 4BR/3BA 2,550/16,700 David Young, Coldwell Banker
2500 Melendy Drive $2,380,000 4BR/3BA 2,450/13,216 Shawna Sullivan, Coldwell Banker
947 Woodland Avenue $1,889,000 3BR/2.5BA 2,354/4,510 Justine Ford & Associates
24 Oak Creek Lane $1,695,000 3BR/3BA 2,630/8,276 Linda Barron, Capital Realty
2904 Brittan Avenue $1,548,000 4BR/2.5BA 2,120/9,394 Chuck Gillooley, Dwell Realtors
1616 Chestnut Street $1,399,000 3BR/2BA 1,640/4,400 Caroline Schwartz, McGuire Real Estate

Note: The listing data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author is the listing agent.


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