The San Carlos Real Estate Week in Review: 2/22/2016.

February 22, 2016

The Scoop.

Just like we witnessed last week, there were some eye-popping upsides in the sold column of the San Carlos sold statistics below.  2079 Alma Street fetched a whopping $404,050 over the asking price, and 27 Bayport Court easily set a new sales record for the Greater East Side when it closed at $1,670,000 – or $370,000 over the list price.

New inventory activity was certainly disappointing last week, with essentially no new homes to choose from, less the large land listing of the former Black Mountain property. Heading into the final week of February, the number of new single-family residence listings in San Carlos is way behind the pace of 2015 – which was not a banner listing year in any respect.  Through the first two months in 2015, San Carlos registered 43 new listings. With 7 days to go in the same period of this year, that number sits at 24.  If you were ever looking for an ideal time to sell your home with virtually no competition, this is it.

Here are last week's numbers:

The Numbers.

Below is a high-level view of the market performance for single-family residences in San Carlos. This data is for the 7-day period ending Sunday 2/21/2016:

San Carlos Housing Data 2/21/16 Prior Week
Closed Sales for the Week: 7 3
Average Sold Price: $1,879,286 $1,970,333
Average $/Sq Foot (Sold) $984 $917
Average Sold as Percentage Of List Price: 114% 199%
Average DOM of Closed Sales 6 9
Total # of Homes Pending Sale: 11 15
No. of New Listings: 1 3
Total # of Active Listings: 7 9
Average Price of Active Listings: $1,564,798 $1,623,643
Average DOM of Active Listings: 29 28
Average $/Sq Foot (List) $763 $733
Active-Pending Ratio: 0.64 : 1 0.60 : 1

The San Carlos Open House Page.

If you're looking at open houses this weekend in San Carlos, check out the San Carlos Open House List. With one click on the Open House sign below, you'll get a “live” list of all the homes and condos that will be open this weekend in San Carlos! It's updated continuously from the MLS, so bookmark this link and you'll never have to wander around town looking for open houses again.


San Carlos Single-Family Homes Sold:

Below is a list of the single-family home contracts that closed escrow this past week in San Carlos. Click on the address of each to see the complete details.

Address Sold Price Orig. List Difference DOM (days)
133 Plymouth Avenue $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $0 (0%) 0
2079 Alma Street $2,100,000 $1,695,950 +$404,050 (+23.8%) 7
238 Loma Road $2,050,000 $1,698,000 +$352,000 (+20.7%) 8
2015 Eaton Avenue $1,950,000 $1,728,000 +$222,000 (+11.4%) 16
10 Valley Road $1,835,000 $1,835,000 $0 (0%) 0
27 Bayport Court $1,670,000 $1,300,000 +$370,000 (+28.5%) 7
1450 Alameda de las Pulgas $1,350,000 $1,189,500 +$160,500 (+13.5%) 3

Note: The sold data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author was involved in either side of the transaction. The source of this data is the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Author is in now way responsible for the accuracy of the data from this source.


San Carlos Single-Family Homes Pending Sale:

The following single-family homes went into contract in San Carlos this past week. Click on the address of each home to see more details and photos:

Address DOM (days) List Price
200 Rockridge Road 17 $2,125,000
251 Coronado Avenue 30 $1,849,888

Note: The pending data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author was involved in either side of the transaction. _______________________________________________________________________________________

New Single-Family Home Listings in San Carlos:

Below are the new listings that hit the market this past week in San Carlos. Click on the address of each home to see more details and photos.

Address List Price BR/BA Sq Ft (home/lot) Listed By
806 Alameda $19,800,000 5BR/3.5BA 3,175/475,000 David Young

Note: The listing data provided above is strictly for informational purposes only, and should not imply that the author is the listing agent. This data is pulled from the Multiple listing service, and the author is in no way responsible for the accuracy of the data provided herein.

(Click the “Homes For Sale” sign below to see ALL of the homes currently for Sale in San Carlos.)


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