Follow-Up Study Session on San Carlos Home Sizes.

July 18, 2018

The City of San Carlos Planning Division has announced a follow-up study session to address the proposed changes in the residential building code that are aimed at dialing back the size of homes that are being built in San Carlos, and to better regulate the splitting of larger lots for the purpose of building multiple residences.  The date of the second session is Tuesday, July 24 — the details of the meeting are below.

There was a public outreach session held in front of an overflow crowd at the San Carlos Library back on April 2 to explain the proposed changes.   Residents, architects, and contractors all showed up en masse to better understand the changes that were being proposed, and to have their voices heard.  I was only able to stay for the first hour of that meeting, but the interest level and the sheer number of questions by the aforementioned group clearly necessitated a follow up session to address their concerns.

Regardless of which side of the fence you are on — whether you're an existing resident who is concerned about the size of homes being planned in San Carlos, or if you're a homeowner who is feels that the proposed limitations will negatively impact your remodeling plans, this will be a critical meeting to attend because serious changes to the residential building code are going to be implemented.

Here is more information about the meeting as taken from the community email notification:

Notice of Public Meeting

San Carlos Planning Commission Subsequent Study Session on:

  • Draft RS-6 Zoning Standards and Proposed Code Changes to Address Single-Family House Size
  • Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Council Chambers, 600 Elm St., San Carlos

The Planning Commission will hold a subsequent study session to continue its review of the proposed code changes to address main building size and bulk of single-family homes.  The purpose of this Study Session is to follow up with responses to the Planning Commission comments received at the first study session on May 21, 2018.  As before, San Carlos property owners, residents, builders, and architects are invited to attend this Study Session and provide public comment.  For more information, please visit the project website at: .

All interested persons are invited to attend the July 24, 2018 Planning Commission meeting and provide comments. The staff report will be available for viewing at, the San Carlos Library, 610 Elm Street, San Carlos or the Planning Division, 600 Elm Street San Carlos beginning July 19, 2018 and all documents will be available for purchase at $.10 per page up to the day of the meeting.

You are invited to submit written comments. Written comments may be directed to Lisa Porras, Planning Division, City of San Carlos, 600 Elm Street, San Carlos, CA 94070 or email: by specifying “Draft RS-6 Zoning Standards and Proposed Code Changes” in the subject line.

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