3rd Study Session on Residential Building Standards – Tuesday 9/4/18.

August 31, 2018

Mark Your Calendars.

In what has become a very involved and likely contentious discussion, the City of San Carlos will host a third public study session on revising the residential building code in San Carlos.  The intent of the proposed revisions is to control (aka reduce) the allowable size of single-family homes in San Carlos moving forward.

I attended the very first meeting in a packed house at the San Carlos library.  Just from the turnout, the duration of the meeting, and the commentary afterward, it was easy to see that this is very big issue for the City of San Carlos to get its arms around, and that placating both sides is going to be a challenge.  On one side there are contractors, architects, and residents who obviously want to be allowed to maximize their real estate investment by building the largest home allowable within the City guidelines.  On the other side, there are residents who are not happy with the surge in large homes that are being built in their neighborhoods.

The outcome of this study will have a huge impact on residential construction in San Carlos in the future, so if you're at all concerned about this topic (on either side), it would be advisable to attend and educate yourself on what is being proposed.  Here is quick agenda for the meeting:

Notice of Public Meeting
San Carlos Planning Commission 3rd Study Session Continuing Discussion on:

Options to Control Building Size, Mass, and Bulk
of Single-family Homes

Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 7 PM
City Hall, First Floor, Council Chambers

The San Carlos Planning Commission will hold a 3rd study session to continue its review of options to control main building size and bulk of single-family homes. The purpose of this study session is to present the Planning Commission with more options to consider and provide direction to staff. As before, San Carlos property owners, residents, builders, and architects are invited to attend this study session and provide public comment. For more information, please visit the project website at: www.cityofsancarlos.org/singlefamilyhousesize.

The staff report will be available for viewing at http://sancarlosca.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx, the San Carlos Library, 610 Elm Street, San Carlos or the Planning Division, 600 Elm Street San Carlos beginning August 30, 2018 and all documents will be available for purchase at $.10 per page up to the day of the meeting.

You are invited to submit written comments. Written comments may be directed to Lisa Costa Sanders, Planning Division, City of San Carlos, 600 Elm Street, San Carlos, CA 94070 or email: LCostaSanders@cityofsancarlos.org by specifying “Draft RS-6 Zoning Standards and Proposed Code Changes” in the subject line.

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