San Carlos City Council Endorsement: Ken Castle

November 4, 2018


It's easy to sit back and let others make policy decisions for your community, but this is one election where every vote will matter.  With three City Council seats changing in a single election, there will not be another more impactful election that what we will see this coming Tuesday.  My third endorsement for City Council is long-time White Oaks resident Ken Castle.

A Voice of the Community.

It would he hard to find a resident of San Carlos who has done more and fought harder for community issues over the past few decades than Ken Castle.  Ken was the catalyst for bringing a Neighborhood Watch to the White Oaks neighborhood, and has been a constant watchdog over issues that impact residents of San Carlos. His White Oaks Neighborhood Watch Bulletin is always packed with great information about crime and other happenings in San Carlos.  But Ken is not only vigilant about what is happening to San Carlos — he has kept a keen eye on some interesting developments that have been happening from within the ranks of City Hall.

Most recently, Ken helped raise public awareness to the City's plans to install a four-way stoplight at Eaton Avenue and Alameda — something that very few neighbors actually knew about, and even fewer wanted.  Thanks to his rallying efforts, that ill-fated idea was thwarted.  As with other candidates that I have endorsed in this election, I think it's critical that the right candidate is a strong voice of the community, and Ken has demonstrated that many times in the years that I have known him.

For the first time in a number of years, San Carlos residents have the chance to significantly impact the make-up of the City Council.  Be sure to vote on Tuesday!

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